Power to the People and Beats: The Best of Public Enemy Mix

Public EnemyA virtual playlist of the best of Public Enemy, configured to fit on four CDs.  These aren’t just the obvious choices, though most of those are here too.



Disc 1

It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988) (the album in its entirety)

Disc 2

Fear of a Black Planet (1990) (the album in its entirety)

Disc 3
  1. “Can’t Truss It” from Apocalypse 91…The Enemy Strikes Black (1991)
  2. “Hazy Shade of Criminal” from Greatest Misses (1992)
  3. “By the Time I Get to Arizona” from Apocalypse 91…The Enemy Strikes Black (1991)
  4. “I Don’t Wanna Be Called Yo Niga” from Apocalypse 91…The Enemy Strikes Black (1991)
  5. “Nighttrain” from Apocalypse 91…The Enemy Strikes Black (1991)
  6. “Whole Lotta Love Goin on in the Middle of Hell” from Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age (1994)
  7. “Live and Undrugged Part 1 & 2” from Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age (1994)
  8. “Bedlam 13:13” from Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age (1994)
  9. “Revolverlution” from Revolverlution (2002)
  10. “Say It Like It Really Is” from The Evil Empire of Everything (2012)
  11. “World Tour Sessions” from There’s a Poison Goin On…. (1998)
  12. “Shut Em Down (Pe-te Rock Mixx)” (1991) (single)
  13. “He Got Game” from He Got Game (1998)
  14. “Give It Up” from Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age (1994)
  15. “Harder Than You Think” from How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul??? (2007)
  16. “I Shall Not Be Moved” from Most of My Heroes Still Don’t Appear on No Stamp (2012)
  17. “Don’t Give Up the Fight” from The Evil Empire of Everything (2012)
  18. “Electric Slave” from Beats and Places (2006)
Disc 4
  1. “Me to We” from Man Plans God Laughs
  2. “Gotta Do What I Gotta Do” from Greatest Misses (1992)
  3. “I” from There’s a Poison Goin On…. (1998)
  4. “Escapism” from How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul??? (2007)
  5. “See Something, Say Something” from How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul??? (2007)
  6. “… Everything” from The Evil Empire of Everything (2012)
  7. “Watch the Door (Warhammer on Watch Mixx)” from Bring That Beat Back: The Public Enemy Remix Project (2006)
  8. “As Long As the People Got Something to Say” from New Whirl Odor (2005)
  9. “Yo! Bum Rush the Show” from Yo! Bum Rush the Show (1987)
  10. “Public Enemy No. 1” from Yo! Bum Rush the Show (1987)
  11. “Catch the Thrown” from Most of My Heroes Still Don’t Appear on No Stamp (2012)
  12. “Truth Decay” from Most of My Heroes Still Don’t Appear on No Stamp (2012)
  13. “Hoovermusic” from Most of My Heroes Still Don’t Appear on No Stamp (2012)
  14. “Black Steel in the Hour” from Live From Metropolis Studios (2015)
  15. “What Good Is a Bomb” from Revolverlution (2002)
  16. “Honky Talk Rules” from Man Plans God Laughs
  17. “Like It Is” from Beats and Places (2006)

The Politics of Industrial/Business Management Theories

In a fairly predictable way, despite the proliferation of industrial & business management theories and associated gurus preaching them, a somewhat seldom discussed topic is the embedded political ideology.  Writers from Adolph Berle to Walter Benjamin, Alfred Chandler, Jr., Harry Braverman and David F. Noble — and beyond — have discussed the ways management theories tend to consolidate class power in the hands of management.  But beyond that, it is worth noting philosopher Slavoj Žižek‘s theory that it is impossible to escape ideology, that the very notion of deciding what is or is not a “fact” is governed by an ideological system, as well as sociologist Pierre Bourdieu‘s theory that all action is interested, which leads to the conclusion that most management gurus simply argue for their own self-importance.  So this is a rough-cut at assigning industrial & business management theories to a crude left/right political spectrum (sorted roughly chronologically).  This is obviously an incomplete list, and focuses mostly on Americans.

The Left

These gurus tend toward the philosophical, are the most explicitly political (usually with an explicit favoritism for the powerless), and are usually the least known or discussed as management theorists per se and their theories have seen the most limited real-world implementations (some offering only works of fiction); they favor communal or cooperative approaches and strict egalitarianism.  Many are opposed in principle to “great individual” approaches and collective anonymity dominates.  Examples of corresponding political economists: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, Thorstein Veblen, Rudolf Hilferding, Michael Hudson.

Henri de Saint-Simon

Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers

Edward Bellamy

Thorstein Veblen

H.L Gantt

Aleksei Gastev

Platon Kerzhentsev

Technocracy movement

Ursula K. Le Guin

Murray Bookchin

The Center-Left

These gurus tend to emphasize psychology and morality (and even sometimes “new age” spirituality), assume that people are fundamentally good but are mistaken, confused or inept in acting on good intentions, and align with liberalism; they tend to advocate “flatter” organizational structures that are more inclusive for decision-making while drawing a line somewhere to regulate acceptable “flatness” (usually as a compromise to avoid the programs of the left). Examples of corresponding political economists: John Stuart Mill, John Maynard Keynes, Karl Polanyi, Joan Robinson

Mary Parker Follett

Walter A. Shewhart

Abraham Maslow

W. Edwards Deming

Douglas McGregor

Chris Argyris

Peter Senge

H. Thomas Johnson

J-C Spender

Daniel Pink

The Center-Right

These theorists are frequently benevolent aristocrats in a liberal mold, and often focus on restraining, containing or limiting excesses and bad actions and tend to use discussion and reporting schemes to deflect attention from (rather than to resolve) questions about the unequal distribution of power in organizations; appeals to “gradualism” are common; a key difference from the center-left is that the center-right tends to more explicitly restrict decision-making to specified groups and to more strongly preserve and reinforce hierarchies and castes, perhaps within some limits. Examples of corresponding political economists: Adam Smith, David Ricardo, David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, Joseph Schumpeter, Irving Fisher, Paul Samuelson

Melchiorre Gioia

Charles Babbage

Henri Fayol

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Joseph Juran

Peter Drucker

Tom Peters

Andrew Grove

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Phil Rosenzweig

The Right

These theorists tend to be dictatorial and authoritarian (though rarely acknowledging as much), and in recent times often premising their theories on anti-leftist grounds and market-theocractic principles if they even bother to offer justifications at all; hey tend to believe that some people are inherently better than others (to the point of relying on hero/savior motifs, if not “divine right of kings” argument) and usually seek to create or maintain steep hierarchies of power and privilege without clear limits; most business schools and working business executives overwhelmingly fall in this category.  Examples of corresponding political economists: Vilfredo Pareto, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman


Napoleon Bonaparte

Frederick W. Taylor

Elton Mayo

Chester Barnard

Stephen Covey

Jim Collins

Patrick Lencioni

Gino Wickman

…this is far right category is almost a catch-all for most modern management gurus, including almost anything from the Harvard Business School.

If you have ever been exposed to management theories and found them distasteful, perhaps it is because those theories come from a different political orientation than you normally endorse?  Often these gurus argue amongst each other more than they establish any sort of practical standards (arguments are most strident when they try to distinguish the theories of directly adjacent political segments), and some of the arguments ignore particular political segments — it is extremely common for the theorists of the left to be entirely ignored.

Nicole Aschoff – The New Prophets of Capital

The New Prophets of Capital

Nicole AschoffThe New Prophets of Capital (Verso 2015)

Nicole Aschoff has written a slender volume critiquing the programs of four modern “prophets of capital”: Sheryl Sandberg (on boardroom feminism), John Mackey (on conscious capitalism), Oprah Winfrey (on self-empowerment), Bill & Melinda Gates (on charity).  She adopts a journalistic tone, focusing on the “stories” told by the prophets of capital, and the sustaining narratives merely implied (or disavowed) by them.  She finds a common thread of support of capital over labor throughout, and sustained support for inequalities and hierarchies of power against egalitarian impulses.  These “prophets” present what appear to be corrections to the contradictions of capitalism, only to reinforce and reproduce the imposition of markets into more and more spheres of life.  The chapters profiling each prophet generally begin with a statement of what the prophets put forward to the public as the benefit they provide, followed by a critique that renders problematic the unstated assumptions and necessary preconditions.  The summaries of what the prophets preach are generally fair.  As to the critiques, there are no new arguments here.  Yet the critiques in the book work because Aschoff is well versed in theory, and she has done her research on all the standard left takedowns of these prophets of capital.  Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello are credited in influencing the book.  Slavoj Žižek, Pierre Bourdieu, and C. Wright Mills also loom large in structuring the analysis, even though each is only mentioned in passing.  If this has a flaw, it is sloppy editing (“Thomas Picketty” rather than Thomas Piketty, etc.).  Still, this is a welcome restatement of left positions, filling the near-vacuum of accessible, readable books from the political left.  Lee Drutman has argued that the solution to the problem of lobbying in politics is — paradoxically — more lobbying.  In a similar way the solution to the way mainstream media frequently resembles a right-wing echo chamber may be to have a bit more of a left-wing echo chamber for balance, and The New Prophets of Capital serves in that role admirably.