Helena Cobban – Musk’s Digital Coup in Washington

Link to an article by Helena Cobban:

“Musk’s Digital Coup in Washington: Effects and Prospects”


Bonus links: “All the Ways Elon Musk is Breaking the Law, Explained by a Law Professor” and “Federal Judge Finds Trump Defied Injunction to Unfreeze Funds” and “Could a President Vivek Ramaswamy Lay Off 75% of Federal Workers by Himself?”

Hamish van der Ven – AI is Bad for the Environment, and the Problem is Bigger Than Energy Consumption

Link to an article by Hamish van der Ven:

“AI is Bad for the Environment, and the Problem is Bigger Than Energy Consumption”

Bonus links: “What DeepSeek Says About Nuland’s Role in Ukraine War” and “Inescapable AI” and “The High-Tech Poorhouse” and Mathwashing

David Bowie Deep Cuts

A collection of great David Bowie deep cuts.  For present purposes, deep cuts exclude any specific recording released as a single A-side (in original or time-edited format) or featured on the most prominent best-of compilations during Bowie’s lifetime.  That necessarily excludes a lot.  Remixes and live versions are fair game for inclusion, especially when markedly different from (or better than) other version(s).

  1. “Eight Line Poem” — Hunky Dory (1971)
  2. “Queen Bitch” — Hunky Dory (1971)
  3. “Lady Stardust” — The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972)
  4. “Velvet Goldmine” — “Space Oddity” b/w “Changes” / “Velvet Goldmine” single (1975; rec. 1971)
  5. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide” — Ziggy Stardust: The Motion Picture (1983; rec. 1973)
  6. “The Prettiest Star” — Aladdin Sane (1973)
  7. “Watch That Man” — Aladdin Sane (1973)
  8. “Rock ‘n Roll With Me” — Diamond Dogs (1974)
  9. “Win” — Young Americans (1975)
  10. “Fascination” — Young Americans (1975)
  11. “Somebody Up There Likes Me” — Young Americans (1975)
  12. “Can You Hear Me” — Young Americans (1975)
  13. “Five Years” — Dinah! TV show (1976) [not otherwise released as a recording]
  14. “Always Crashing in the Same Car” — Low (1977)
  15. “Moss Garden” — “Heroes” (1977)
  16. “Heroes” — Stage (1978)
  17. “Red Money” — Lodger (1979)
  18. “Teenage Wildlife” — Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (1980)
  19. David Bowie & Mick Jagger — “Dancing in the Street (Dub Mix)” — Dancing in the Street 12” (1985)
  20. “Looking for Lester” — Black Tie White Noise (1993)
  21. “I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday” — Black Tie White Noise (1993)
  22. “Miracle Goodnight (12″ 2 Chord Philly Mix)” — “Miracle Goodnight” single (1993)
  23. “V3” — “I’m Afraid of Americans” maxi-single (1997)
  24. “Seven (Remix by Beck [#1])” — “Seven” single (2000)
  25. “If I’m Dreaming My Life” — VH1 Storytellers (2009; rec. 1999)
  26. “Shadow Man (Unplugged & Somewhat Slightly Electric mix)” — Toy (Toy:Box) (2021; rec. 2000-01)
  27.  “Sunday” — Heathen (2002)
  28. “Bring Me the Disco King” — Reality (2003)
  29. “Sister Midnight” — A Reality Tour (2004)
  30. “Dirty Boys” — The Next Day (2013)
  31. “Love Is Lost” — The Next Day (2013)
  32. “Boss of Me” — The Next Day (2013)

John Wight – Trump’s Return to the White House

Link to an article by John Wight:

“Trump’s Return to the White House”

Bonus link: “The Revolt of the Working Class: What Trump’s 2024 Win Reveals About American Discontent” and “The Crisis of Liberalism” and “Capitalist Politics in Crisis” and “Swimming in Mud in the Fifth Circle of Hell” and “Nothing Left” (“The crucial tasks for a committed left in the United States now are to admit that no politically effective force exists and to begin trying to create one. This is a long-term effort . . . . *** [A]dmitting our absolute impotence can be politically liberating; acknowledging that as a left we have no influence on who gets nominated or elected, or what they do in office, should reduce the frenzied self-delusion that rivets attention to the quadrennial, biennial, and now seemingly permanent horse races. It is long past time for us to begin again to approach leftist critique and strategy by determining what our social and governmental priorities should be and focusing our attention on building the kind of popular movement capable of realizing that vision.”) and “Exit Right” and “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens” and “Abortion Rights Landslide at the Polls”