Kevin Kumashiro – The People With the Least Resources Are Now Shouldering the Greatest Burden

Link to an interview with Kevin Kumashiro, conducted by Janine Jackson:

“The People With the Least Resources Are Now Shouldering the Greatest Burden”


Bonus links: Pedagogy of the OppressedRichard Shaull Quote, Democracy and Education, The Higher Learning in America, “‘They’ve Been Doing This Massive, Anti-Democratic Model of Education Reform’: CounterSpin Interview with Wayne Au on Gates’ Educational Failure,” “Could Student Loans Lead to Debt Prison? The Handwriting on the Wall,” “Student Loans, The Indentured Servitude of the 21st Century,” “A Closer Look at Income and Race Concentration in Public Schools,” “The Left Hand and the Right Hand of the State,” “The Slow Death of the University,” and “Red Diaper Babies”