Link to an article by Comrade Motopu:
“Right and Left Against the State: Education Without Classes”
Cultural Detritus, Reviews, and Commentary
Link to an article by Comrade Motopu:
“Right and Left Against the State: Education Without Classes”
Link to an interview with Zhenjie Zhou:
“Zhenjie Zhou on Corporate Crime in China”
Bonus link: “AFT Ends Four Month Old Coca-Cola Boycott”
Link to an article by Nicholas Fitz:
Link to Noah Berlatsky’s review of Annette Fuentes‘ book Lockdown High: When the Schoolhouse Becomes a Jailhouse (2011):
Link to a transcript of a speech by Noam Chomsky:
Link to an interview of David Harvey by Steffen Böhm:
“Ponzi Scheme Capitalism: An Interview with David Harvey”
Choice quote: “there’s nothing more unequal than the equal treatments of unequals.”
Link to an article by Rebecca K. Smith:
“Death in Custody Reporting Act”
Bonus links: “Interviews About Ferguson and More” and “Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces”
Link to an article by Michael Schwalbe:
Link to an article by George Monbiot:
Link to a transcript of a discussion about the future of Greece and the Syriza party between Alain Badiou, Stathis Kouvelakis and Aude Lancelin:
Bonus links: “The Straitjacket of Austerity Tightens on Syriza” and “The Next Hundred Days” and “Greece’s Yanis Varoufakis: The Medicine of Austerity Is Not Working, We Need a New Treatment“