Turbonegro – Scandinavian Leather

Scandinavian Leather

TurbonegroScandinavian Leather Burning Heart BHR 169 (2003)

A bit more uneven than previous releases, but with some great highlights like “D.I.B (Drenched In Blood)” and “Wipe It ‘Till It Bleeds.”  Scandinavian Leather has more of a hair metal sound, with Euroboy‘s nice guitar work being quite pronounced.  You’ll probably like these guys if you can appreciate their sense of irony in explicitly bringing out the cheeseball and gay elements ever-present on or just under the surface of 1980s metal.

Turbonegro – Ass Cobra

Ass Cobra

TurbonegroAss Cobra Boomba 001-2 (1996)

My favorite Turbonegro album.  It’s got all the gay raunch punk/metal that I want.  With song names like “The Midnight NAMBLA,” you really shouldn’t be surprised by what you get here.  Old heavy metal kind of took itself too seriously, with pretensions to being deep and profound.  Turbonegro took all the allusions and implied meanings of old metal and put them into a sarcastic, campy, blunt package that leaned heavily on hardcore punk sounds for enjoyment at a very superficial level, where that stuff belongs.