Link to an article by Neil Demaus:
“The Case for Buying Sports Teams, Not Stadiums”
Bonus link: “The NFL’s Anarchist Success Story”
Cultural Detritus, Reviews, and Commentary
Link to an article by Neil Demaus:
“The Case for Buying Sports Teams, Not Stadiums”
Bonus link: “The NFL’s Anarchist Success Story”
Link to an article by James O’Neill:
“Why the Secrecy on the Mh17 Investigation: A Wider Geopolitical Agenda”
Link to an article by Miya Tokumitsu:
This reminded me of Slavoj Žižek’s observation that it was an obscenity for the Nazis to place “Arbeit macht frei” (“Work makes you free”) on or above the gates to concentration camps like Dachau and Auschwitz.
See also The End of Dissatisfaction?: Jacques Lacan and the Emerging Society of Enjoyment
Link to an article by Alfred McCoy:
Link to an article by Edward S. Herman:
“Warren ‘Far Left’ in the New York Times”
Bonus link: “Mainstream News Coverage of Ukraine, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Shows Western Propaganda Machine at Work”
Link to an article by Walden Bello:
Link to an article by Michael Hudson:
“Backfired!: The New Cold War Policy”
Bonus links: Russian Pivot, Pipeline Politics, and “Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia” by Diana Johnstone
Link to an article by Ben Selwyn: