Link to an interview conducted by Russell Mokhiber:
“Les Bernal on Predatory Gambling in the USA”
Bonus link: Stop Predatory Gambling
Cultural Detritus, Reviews, and Commentary
Link to an interview conducted by Russell Mokhiber:
“Les Bernal on Predatory Gambling in the USA”
Bonus link: Stop Predatory Gambling
Link to an article by Subcomandante Marcos:
“The Fourth World War Has Begun”
Bonus link: Late Capitalism
Link to an article by Erin Thompson:
“Minority Lawyers Hanging From Their Own Bootstraps: How Law Schools Fail Those Who Seek Justice”
Bonus links: The Trouble With Diversity and …And the Poor Get Prison and “The Decline of the Peoplelaw Sector” and “The Echo Chamber: A Small Group of Lawyers and Its Outsized Influence at the U.S. Supreme Court”
Link to an article by Thomas Fazi & Giacomo Bracci:
“Sacrificing at the Altar of the Euro”
Bonus link: “Modern Money Green Economics for a New Era”
Link to an interview of Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy in Chains (2017), conducted by Nick Licata:
“The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America”
MacLean’s position should be problematized (i.e., critiqued from the left), which leads to criticisms of some specific things she says in the interview. Domenico Losurdo‘s War and Revolution: Rethinking the Twentieth Century (as well as his Liberalism: A Counter-History) are the touchstones for this criticism. Most of MacLean’s position is about defending the New Deal. But she defends the New Deal from a position “within” it, which is to say she appears to agree with the “radical reactionary” libertarians in assuming an anti-communist position. Isn’t it obvious that the way to oppose, in her words, the Buchanan/Koch agenda of the supremacy of private property rights is to eliminate private property altogether? It is fairly well-established now that the New Deal was only possible as part of an anti-communist agenda, as a conservative compromise to avoid communist government rule. MacLean at one point jokes that she is not really a conservative, but Losurdo’s books suggest that perhaps she really is conservative, because political liberalism has more in common with the political right than the political left. She seems to assume that the New Deal was a self-sustaining coalition, which, historically, it was manifestly not — the New Deal was sustained only as a largely unprincipled anti-communist compromise that required at least the threat of communism to sustain itself. So when she praises, for instance, the recent student anti-gun march, she rejects the pro-gun position universally adopted by the leading figures of the political left (something explained principally by her anti-communist stance). Also, she bemoans the “identity politics” vs “class” debate, though it is actually an important one because no legitimate politics can overcome class divisions by maintaining an “identity politics” framework, which is necessarily dependent upon maintaining class or class-like divisions of some sort as part of a liberal politics of exclusion. MacLean’s history of the political right’s own tactics in the the United States in the second half of the 20th Century is nonetheless useful in many ways, and should be read alongside Isaac William Martin‘s Rich People’s Movements, Losurdo’s books, Fredric Jameson‘s An American Utopia: Dual Power and the Universal Army (which advocates precisely the opposite of the Koch plan to privatize the Veteran’s Administration), and the work of Slavoj Žižek (perhaps starting with Trouble in Paradise: From the End of History to the End of Captialism).
Link to an article by James Plested:
“Recycling Crisis is Capitalist Business as Usual”
Bonus links: “As the Ocean Waters Rise, So Do the Islands of Garbage” and “Against Recycling” and “How Europe’s ‘Trash Market’ Offloads Pollution on Its Poorest Countries” and “A Plastic Bag’s 2,000-Mile Journey Shows the Messy Truth About Recycling” and “Circular Claims Fall Flat Again” and Portlandia Season 2, Episode 8 “Which Bin Does It Go In?” and The Closing Circle
Link to an article by Pete Dolack:
“If You Incentivize Pollution, You Incentivize Death”
Bonus link: …And the Poor Get Prison
Link to an article by Michael Hudson:
“Palatial Credit: Origins of Money and Interest”
This information is of tremendous importance.
Bonus link: Debt: The First 5000 Years