McKinsey & Company: Capital’s Willing Executioners

Link to an anonymous article:

“McKinsey & Company: Capital’s Willing Executioners”


Bonus links: “The Sociology of C. Wright Mills” (“As modern management becomes the reigning ethos of the age, the shift from explicit authority relationships to more subtle manipulation becomes the preferred form of power. *** The goal of manipulation is to have men internalize managerial directives without knowing that these directives are not their own motives, without recognizing that they are being victimized.”) and Critique of Cynical Reason and Making Money

Russell Mokhiber – Mark Worth on Corporate Compliance Fatigue and Being Fed up with the Monitor

Link to an article by Russell Mokhiber:

“Mark Worth on Corporate Compliance Fatigue and Being Fed up with the Monitor”


Bonus links: The Chickenshit Club: Why the Justice Department Fails to Prosecute Executives and “The Problem With HR” (“At solving the problem, HR is not great. At creating protocols of ‘compliance’ to defend a company against lawsuits? By that criterion, it has been a smashing success.” — a good quote but other parts of this article seem unreliable for various reasons)  and …And the Poor Get Prison and Trouble in Paradise and The State and Revolution

Paul Lyons – YouTube’s Content ID: A Case Study

Link to an article by Paul Lyons:

“YouTube’s Content ID — A Case Study”


The DMCA was pejoratively referred to as the “Microsoft Bill” when it was passed, and few had any illusions at the time that it was anything other than industry-written special-interest legislation.


Bonus links: The People’s Platform and “The Limits of the Web in an Age of Communicative Capitalism” and Platform Capitalism and “The Market Economy: Theory, Ideology and Reality” and Articles on Silicon Valley Monopolies and Alternatives (“instead of fighting this monopoly through the state apparatus (remember the court-ordered splitting up of the Microsoft Corporation), would it not be more ‘logical’ simply to nationalize it, making it freely accessible?”)

Bruce Lerro – Big Brother Facebook

Link to an article by Bruce Lerro:

“Big Brother Facebook: Drawing Down the Iron Curtain on Yankeedom”


Bonus links: “RYM Shitheads” (describes how another, less popular web site has taken a very similar approach) and “The Limits of the Web in an Age of Communicative Capitalism” and “Why ‘Russian Meddling” Is a Trojan Horse” Quote and “Democrats and the Crisis of Legitimacy” and “Technology Giants Hold Censorship Meeting With US Intelligence Agencies” and “Facebook’s New Propaganda Partners”

Erwin Chemerinsky – Arbitration Agreements Ruling Is a Significant Loss for Workers

Link to an article by Erwin Chemerinsky:

“Arbitration Agreements Ruling Is a Significant Loss for Workers”


Chemerinsky’s article is well-reasoned, though it should be emphasized that all judges on the U.S. supreme court are pro-capitalist and pro-business, differing only in degree about how many restrictions can be imposed on business.


Bonus links: “Stop Calling It an Arbitration Agreement—Employers Are Forcing Workers to Give Up Their Rights” and “Grand Theft Paycheck: The Large Corporations Shortchanging Their Workers’ Wages” and …And the Poor Get Prison

James Plested – Recycling Crisis is Capitalist Business as Usual

Link to an article by James Plested:

“Recycling Crisis is Capitalist Business as Usual”


Bonus links: “As the Ocean Waters Rise, So Do the Islands of Garbage” and “Against Recycling” and “How Europe’s ‘Trash Market’ Offloads Pollution on Its Poorest Countries” and “A Plastic Bag’s 2,000-Mile Journey Shows the Messy Truth About Recycling” and “Circular Claims Fall Flat Again” and Portlandia Season 2, Episode 8 “Which Bin Does It Go In?” and The Closing Circle