Link to an interview with Daniel Immerwahr, conducted by Tanner Howard:
Category: Uncategorized
Slavoj Žižek – They Are Both Worse!
Pavlina Tcherneva – MMT Is Already Helping
Link to an article by Pavlina Tcherneva:
A takedown of Henwood is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, given that he is so weak on theory and is one of those insufferable centrist/populist journalists posing as a leftist — much like Naomi Klein or Paul Mason. But still, somebody had to write the takedown. Sure, Henwood cites some true facts but the main point Tcherneva gets across is that Henwood is being exceptionally petty and obtuse by focusing on trivialities and individual personalities. He is clearly engaging in a highly superficial smear job.
Bonus links: “Behind the Money Curtain: A Left Take on Taxes, Spending, and Modern Monetary Theory” and “‘Taxpayer Money’ Threatens Medicare-for-All (And Every Other Social Program)” and “Modern Money Green Economics for a New Era” and “Government Debt Is Symptom, Not Cause” and Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems (2nd Ed.) and “Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)—A Response to Henwood” (this article more or less explains why Henwood is really a “left populist” or “progressive neoliberal” who adopts the description of “socialist” only as rank opportunism)
Rebecca Gordon – The Uses of a Well-Regulated Militia by an Unregulated President
Link to an article by Rebecca Gordon:
“The Uses of a Well-Regulated Militia by an Unregulated President”
Andrew Levine Quote About Republicans
“As a general rule, what Republicans say is not worth taking seriously even for a second, except insofar as they wield power. And then, it is the power they wield, not the power of their ideas, that makes taking them seriously worthwhile.”
Andrew Levine, “Ilhan Omar Owes No Apologies, Apologies Are Owed Her”
Eric Blanc – The Billionaires Dismantling Oakland Schools
Link to an article by Eric Blanc:
“The Billionaires Dismantling Oakland Schools”
Bonus links: “They’ve Been Doing This Massive, Anti-Democratic Model of Education Reform” and Richard Shaull Quote
Justin Fox – Why America’s New Apartment Buildings All Look the Same
Link to an article by Justin Fox:
“Why America’s New Apartment Buildings All Look the Same”
The claims about environmental benefits of wood (over concrete) and a few other things might be debatable.
Bonus link: “Minneapolis’ Housing Plan Rewards Developers, Punishes Working People”
McKinsey & Company: Capital’s Willing Executioners
Link to an anonymous article:
“McKinsey & Company: Capital’s Willing Executioners”
Bonus links: “The Sociology of C. Wright Mills” (“As modern management becomes the reigning ethos of the age, the shift from explicit authority relationships to more subtle manipulation becomes the preferred form of power. *** The goal of manipulation is to have men internalize managerial directives without knowing that these directives are not their own motives, without recognizing that they are being victimized.”) and Critique of Cynical Reason and Making Money
Saker Interview with Michael Hudson on Venezuela
Link to an interview with Michael Hudson:
“Saker Interview with Michael Hudson on Venezuela”
Bonus links: “Trump’s Coup in Venezuela: The Full Story” and “The Siege of Venezuela and The Travails of Empire” and “Venezuela-Baiting: How Media Keep Anti-Imperialist Dissent in Check” and “Zero Percent of Elite Commentators Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela” and “Leaked: USA’s Feb 2018 Plan for Coup in Venezuela”
Daniel Lopez – The Conversion of Georg Lukács
Link to an article by Daniel Lopez: