Link to an article by Orit Gat:
A Conversation With CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou
Link to an interview by Douglas Valentine with John Kiriakou:
Why Is Climate Denier David Koch on the Board of Top Science Museums?
Megan Erickson – Edutopia
Link to an article by Megan Erickson:
Bonus links: David F. Noble, “Digital Diploma Mills: The Automation of Higher Education,” Michael Margolis, “Brave New Universities,” Robert Abele, “The Capitalist Takeover of Higher Education,” John Dewey, Democracy and Education, Thorstein Veblen, The Higher Learning in America
Bourdieu’s Thoughts on Why We Are the Way We Are
Link to a review by Angel Dahouk of The Sociologist and the Historian (2015) by Pierre Bourdieu and Roger Chartier:
Matthijs Krul – Marx Still Matters
Link to a review by Matthijs Krul of Jonathan Sperber‘s book Karl Marx: A Nineteenth Century Life (2013):
John Williams – Unemployment Charts
Link to a chart from Shadowstats detailing current unemployment in the United States:
“Alternate Unemployment Charts” (at this writing, 23%, as compared to the widely-reported 5.5% “official” number)
Bonus link: “Response to BLS Article on CPI Misconceptions”
Susan Milligan – The President and the Press
Link to an article by Susan Milligan:
Bonus links: “State Department Announces New ‘Long-standing’ Policy Against Backing Coups” and Killing Hope and “Administration Sets Record for Withholding Government Files” and “Oil Imperialism and Monetary Policy” and “Fear and Loathing 40 Years Later” and “When Our Monsters Speak, TV Journalists go Deaf”
Jeffrey St. Clair – When Torturers Walk
Link to an article by Jeffrey St. Clair:
Stop Mattel’s “Hello Barbie” Eavesdropping Doll
Link to a Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood consumer action campaign: