Link to an article by Don Fitz:
“Extractivism in Latin America: Beyond Lithium (and Other Poisons)”
Bonus links: “Deepwater Capitalism” and “The Anthropocene Myth”
Cultural Detritus, Reviews, and Commentary
Link to an article by Don Fitz:
“Extractivism in Latin America: Beyond Lithium (and Other Poisons)”
Bonus links: “Deepwater Capitalism” and “The Anthropocene Myth”
Link to an article by Jeffrey Sommers & Michael Hudson:
Link to an article by Pavlina Tcherneva:
A three-part series of articles on Hillary Clinton by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair:
“The Making of Hillary Clinton”
“The Vices of Hillary Clinton”
Bonus links: “Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton’s Fake Populism Is a Hit” and “The Clinton Files: Is Hillary a Crook?”
Link to an article by Robert Wood reviewing the 2014 books Trouble in Paradise: Communism After the End of History, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate and Capitalism: A Ghost Story:
Link to an interview with Pierre Bourdieu:
“The Left Hand and the Right Hand of the State”
Bonus quote:
“Today, financial crisis is a permanent state of things the reference to which legitimizes the demands to cut social spending, health care, support of culture and scientific research, in short, the dismantling of the welfare state. Is, however, this permanent crisis really an objective feature of our socio-economic life? Is it not rather one of the effects of the shift of balance in the ‘class struggle’ towards Capital . . . ? In other words, the crisis is an ‘objective fact’ if and only if one accepts in advance as an unquestionable premise the inherent logic of Capital . . . .”
Slavoj Žižek, “Multiculturalism, or, the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism”
Link to an article by Paul Heideman:
“Technology and Socialist Strategy”
Strange that he doesn’t ever mention Thorstein Veblen, who was perhaps the leading thinker on this topic of the 20th Century.
Link to an article by Slavoj Žižek from Umbr(a): Science and Truth, No. 1 (2000): 9-32:
“Lacan Between Cultural Studies And Cognitivism”
This is one of Žižek’s very best journal articles.
Interview with Jacob Silverman, author of Terms of Service, by Michael Schulson: