Link to an excerpt from the book An Alternative Labour History (2015) by Dario Azzellini:
Daniel Allington – Intrinsically Cultural Value
Link to an article by Daniel Allington:
Moshe Adler – May Day: The Time for the 8-Hour-Day Is Now
Link to an article by Moshe Adler:
Jonathan Latham – What Happened to Obama’s Promise to Restore Scientific Integrity?
Link to an article by Jonathan Latham:
“What Happened to Obama’s Promise to Restore Scientific Integrity?”
Ruth Fowler – Chance Encounters: Videos and Cop Violence
Link to an article by Ruth Fowler:
Judith Shulevitz – The Corporate Mystique
Link to an article by Judith Shulevitz:
“The Corporate Mystique: Sheryl Sandberg and the Folly of Davos-Style Feminism”
Bonus link: “The New Prophets of Capital”
Andrew Hartman – The Neoconservative Counterrevolution
Link to an excerpt from the book A War for the Soul of America: A History of the Culture Wars (2015) by Andrew Hartman:
FBI Informant Exposes Sting Operation Targeting Innocent Americans
Link to a news segment entitled:
“FBI Informant Exposes Sting Operation Targeting Innocent Americans in New ‘(T)ERROR’ Documentary”
Frances Fox Piven on Syriza and Greece’s Prospects for Fighting Austerity
Link to an interview by Alexandros Orphanides:
“Frances Fox Piven on Syriza and Greece’s Prospects for Fighting Austerity”
Laura Gottesdiener – A Foreclosure Conveyor Belt
Link to an article by Laura Gottesdiener:
“A Foreclosure Conveyor Belt: The Continuing Depopulation of Detroit”