Link to an article by Yanis Varoufakis:
“On the Euro Summit’s Statement on Greece: First Thoughts”
Bonus links: “Greece: The Struggle Continues” and “Yanis Varoufakis Full Transcript: Our Battle to Save Greece”
Cultural Detritus, Reviews, and Commentary
Link to an article by Yanis Varoufakis:
“On the Euro Summit’s Statement on Greece: First Thoughts”
Bonus links: “Greece: The Struggle Continues” and “Yanis Varoufakis Full Transcript: Our Battle to Save Greece”
Link to an article by Sana Sheikh:
Bonus link: “Psychoanalysis and the DSM – A Brief Discussion and Critique”
Link to an article by Michael Hudson:
“EU Infrastructure Undermines Sovereignty”
Bonus link: “From the Absurd to the Tragic”
Link to an article by Walden Bello:
Link to an article by John Pilger:
“The British-American Coup That Ended Australian Independence”
Link to an article by Matt Peppe:
“Media Uncritical of Justifications for Shooting Escaped Convict”
Bonus link: “Outlaws in the Eyes of Amerika” (“The author . . . tends to assume the moral correctness of the system and its police forces, accepts their version of the events he describes, despite a historical record that proves not only that the government had its own questionably moral agenda, but that it was more than willing to violate the laws it was supposedly upholding to destroy these groups and terminate not only their activities but their politics.”)
Links to articles on the Greek “No” Vote:
Michael Hudson – “Why No Means Yes”
Slavoj Žižek: “This Is a Chance for Europe to Awaken”
Link to a transcript:
Link to an interview with Barbara and Karen Fields by Jason Farbman:
Very interesting comments on “racecraft”. Though the comparisons to non-causality are a little tenuous in the interview, and the gap between psychology and sociology is not so big if one compares, say, Lacan and Bourdieu. Still, the distinction between identity and identification seems crucial.
Link to an interview of Richard Goldstein by Evelyn McDonnell about the book Another Little Piece of My Heart: My Life of Rock and Revolution in the ’60s (2015):
“Live Through This: A Pioneering Rock Critic Looks Back with Love and Sorrow on the 1960s”