Joe Kennedy – Productive Pleasure: Alfie Bown’s Enjoying It Reviewed

Link to a review by Joe Kennedy of Enjoying It – Candy Crush and Capitalism (2015) by Alfie Bown:

“Productive Pleasure: Alfie Bown’s Enjoying It Reviewed”

Selected Quote:

“‘Our ideas surrounding the enjoyment of critical theory and political resistance lead to the celebrated identity of the radical, which is another way of being a subject that suits capitalism’. In other words, the inclusive, absorptive nature of capitalism, which needs to bring everything within the scope of its mechanics of commodification, means that the radical is yet one more demographic to be sold to, another identity which can only find its expression through consumer preference. If this seems far-fetched, follow the twitter account of left-leaning London publishers Verso, who frequently retweet photographs sent in by satisfied customers of the piles of Marx (and assorted modern Marxist thinkers) which have just landed on their doormats.”

Articles on War in Syria

Links to some articles on the war in Syria, and the Turkish Role:

“Erdogan Blackmails NATO Allies”

“So Why Did Turkey Shoot Down That Russian Plane?”

“An Invisible US Hand Leading to War?: Turkey’s Downing of a Russian Jet at the Turkish/Syrian Border was an Act of Madness”

“Turkey Could Cut off Islamic State’s Supply Lines. So Why Doesn’t It?”

“We Need to Talk About Turkey”