Link to an article by Alenka Zupančič:
Bonus link: “Neil deGrasse Tyson: A Celebrity Salesman for the Military-Industrial-Complex”
Cultural Detritus, Reviews, and Commentary
Link to an article by Alenka Zupančič:
Bonus link: “Neil deGrasse Tyson: A Celebrity Salesman for the Military-Industrial-Complex”
Link to an article by Jamie Carter:
“Yes, Pluto is a Planet Says NASA Scientist at the Site of Its Discovery 91 Years Ago This Week”
Bonus links: “Yes, Pluto is a Planet” (open access version) and “Nine Reasons Why Pluto Is a Planet”
Link to an except from the book Knowledge as Commons: Towards Inclusive Science and Technology by Prabir Purkayastha:
“Intellectual Property, Knowledge Monopoly and the Rent Economy”
Bonus links: Mertonian Norms and “In Final Declaration, G77 Rejects ‘Digital Monopolies’ and Calls for ‘Reform’ of the Financial System”
Link to an article by Marion Nestle:
Bonus links: “A Fresh Look at MSG” and “Marketing to Dietitians: the Benefits of MSG”
Link to an article by Alistair Walsh:
“How a Temperature Rise of 2 Degrees Celsius Impacts Billions”
Link to an article by Stephan Gowans:
“Engels’ Anti-Duhring and the COVID-19 Calamity”
Bonus link: “Why the U.S. Failed to Control COVID-19”
Link to an article by Carlos Garrido:
“The Failed Serotonin Theory of Depression: A Marxist Analysis”
Bonus links: “No Peace of Mind in Psychiatry” and “Therapy Wars: The Revenge of Freud” and “Birth of the Cuban Polyclinic”
Link to an article by John Bellamy Foster about the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC’s) Sixth Assessment Report:
Link to an article by Deborah Veneziale:
“Why the U.S. Failed to Control COVID-19: Incompetence, Class violence, Deception, and Lies”
Bonus links: “NYT Scolds China for Not ‘Learning to Live’—or Die—With Covid” and “Preconditions for Disaster: A People’s History of Covid – Extract” and “New Study Highlights Significant Health Impacts Three Years After COVID-19 Infection”
Link to an article by Jim Kavanagh:
“Danger to Society: Against Vaccine Passports”
Bonus links: “COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments Against Mandates at Universities” and “Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-Perceptions of Researchers and Practitioners” and “Twitter Files #19” and “Study Reaffirms That Masks Prevent COVID-19 Transmission”