Prabir Purkayastha – Intellectual Property, Knowledge Monopoly and the Rent Economy

Link to an except from the book Knowledge as Commons: Towards Inclusive Science and Technology by Prabir Purkayastha:

“Intellectual Property, Knowledge Monopoly and the Rent Economy”


Bonus links: Mertonian Norms and “In Final Declaration, G77 Rejects ‘Digital Monopolies’ and Calls for ‘Reform’ of the Financial System”

Deborah Veneziale – Why the U.S. Failed to Control COVID-19

Link to an article by Deborah Veneziale:

“Why the U.S. Failed to Control COVID-19: Incompetence, Class violence, Deception, and Lies”


Bonus links: “NYT Scolds China for Not ‘Learning to Live’—or Die—With Covid” and “Preconditions for Disaster: A People’s History of Covid – Extract” and “New Study Highlights Significant Health Impacts Three Years After COVID-19 Infection”

Jim Kavanagh – Danger to Society: Against Vaccine Passports

Link to an article by Jim Kavanagh:

“Danger to Society: Against Vaccine Passports”


Bonus links: “COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments Against Mandates at Universities” and “Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-Perceptions of Researchers and Practitioners” and “Twitter Files #19” and “Study Reaffirms That Masks Prevent COVID-19 Transmission”